Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011!

Another year is upon us and I've decided it is time to consider my gaming resolutions for 2011. Without further ado, here they are:

1) Thin my miniatures collections down to just the stuff I love and use. Too many periods and scales causes me to lose focus and productivity. Bins full of unpainted figures do not bring me any enjoyment.

Brigadier Peter Young, in his book Charge! or How to Play War Games, said:

If you are enormously rich and have plenty of room, you may be tempted to build up war game Armies of several periods. This is enticing, but it is madness! We would commend you to choose your period, stick to it, read up the subject and get the atmosphere of the age. This is the most rewarding approach to a pastime which, while not lacking excitement, is decidedly more agreeable than dropping atomic bombs on one another. (p.116)

This is valuable advice and it conforms nicely to my thoughts on simplifying my life in general. I doubt I'll drop down to a single period any time soon, but I will strive to find more focus in 2011.

2) Play more games with my friends. I love playing games with people I like to spend time with. 'Nuff said.

3) Play more games with my kids. This is obviously related to resolution number 2 above. Recently we've been playing Castle Ravenloft and Battle Masters. I want to keep this up.

4) Kickoff my Mutants & Masterminds 3e campaign and play at least one session per month in 2011. I'll post more about this campaign in the coming weeks.

5) Blog more. I hesitate to add this one, because there is obviously a very good chance it will fall by the wayside.

That's it, I guess. I'm really looking forward to some great gaming in 2011!

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